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A basic stripped-down framework for a dynamic security system would consist of a monitoring module, an analysis module and a response module.

We now concentrate on the inputs that allow the analysis module -- the security service manager -- to do its reasoning. In this context it is important to note that we have made the assumption that all our resources -- our network, the computer systems, our premises -- are not necessarily 100% safe, either because they are inherently insecure or because we have chosen not to secure them for cost-efficiency reasons. It is still the task of the security management system to look after all our assets anyway.

Previously we already distinguished between facts and heuristics. The facts constitute the information that can easily be retrieved about the environment in which the security system is active and for which it is responsible. Information about the environment can be compiled by scrutinizing all the aspects of the resources that the system protects for vulnerabilities.

The factual information about the known vulnerabilities are stored in a vulnerability database. To find out about the loopholes in the organization's defense, scanners are used. A network scanner can look for known network problems like insecure webservers and a computer scanner can check workstations and servers for known vulnerabilities like operating system weaknesses and bugs.

The output of the scanners is stored in a database in a format that the security engines can handle2.5. This procedure has to be repeated regularly as the configuration of our internal network and its machines is bound to change over time. New machines are added, software is installed to provide new services to users in- or outside the corporate network, existing software is upgraded and so forth. Moreover, the list of known vulnerabilities also grows over time as specific software becomes more widely used and more bug exploits are reported. Users change default configurations and try to get around annoying existing security measures, for instance by installing their own modem dial-up connections. The database should therefore be updated frequently and automatically. This is shown in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Collection process of static data

This way the adaptive security system supports and facilitates change management. Apart from the factual information we also need to represent the security experts knowledge and create a set of heuristics that warn the organization about dangerous activity on its network or computers. A risk analysis will tell what is considered dangerous activity and what expertise is both needed and wanted2.6. A risk analysis identifies the vulnerabilities within a pre-established review boundary. The inference engine addresses these vulnerabilities by analysing input from the monitors and looking for rules that tell it how to activate a countermeasure. The selection of appropriate countermeasures for a given situation is part of the expert's knowledge. What set of rules is available to the inference engine depends on the outcome of the risk analysis phase and is reflected in the security policy documents. The security policy reflects the attitude of the management towards security and indicates what measures have been taken to safeguard the organization's assets. For example: an organization that has decided to connect to the Internet may understand that this entails certain security implications. In this case the network security policy and related documents will contain statements about how the network is to be used and what is to be considered an abuse of resources. A specific rule-base containing the appropriate rules would then assist the inference engine that watches for suspicious activity on its corporate network.
Table 2.2: expert and procedural logic in an adaptive security management system
expert logic procedural logic
analysis and selection of a countermeasure activating the countermeasure

There is even more. The ultimate knowledge based system goes further than analysing and deciding. If at all times the logs reflect the state of the system, this enables the security management service to learn from previously taken decisions. All the decisions and factors that lead to a decision are logged through the logging and auditing application. The logs provide feedback that can help the inference engine with future decisions. Remember that rule-based systems use heuristics to get to a conclusion, not clear-cut algorithms. Clearly, if this decision has afterwards proved to be ineffective, more information was required to make a correct decision, or a wrong reasoning has been followed. The knowledge based system is therefore capable of ``learning''2.7. This illustrated in figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: The knowledge based system's rule-base


... handle2.5
Footnote: ideally this would be an open standard format like SQL - "What do you mean, is there an SQLstandard ? - Oh, plenty!"
... wanted2.6
I.e. is perceived to be cost-effective.
... ``learning''2.7
In the field of artificial intelligence the term ``knowledge based system'' is often reserved for systems that are capable of inferring new knowledge from previously taken decisions, as opposed to simple ``rule-based'' systems that only use a predefined set of rules.

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(c) 1998, Filip Schepers