BackPast Projects & Papers

  On this page you can find some stuff I had to write for different courses. It contains papers (in compressed Postscript (*) format) and presentations (on-line, and also available in compressed Postscript). Some of the documents were created through (sometimes tough) teamwork, usually by students in economy. If you can use any of these papers, bear in mind that the people that have written them spent many hours doing so, and also that you might not be the only one basing your work on it. So please, do not simply copy these works. Also remember that we are not liable for the contents of any of these documents. If you use any of the documents listed below, or use them as a reference, please let me know. You can use them free of charge. Your comment by the way is always welcome.

pijl.gif (836 bytes) Index

  1. Arbeidseconomie (Dutch)
  2. Computer Applications in Management (CAIM95) (Dutch)
  3. Cost Accounting (Dutch)
  4. Cognitive Ergonomic Contributions to Human-Computer Interaction (English)
  5. Operationeel onderzoek (operations research - partly Dutch, but comprehensible in English)
  6. Systeemsoftware (Operating Systems - Dutch)
  7. Office Automation Systems (mainly Dutch)
  8. Bedrijfsethiek (Dutch)
  9. Thesis (Dissertation - Dutch)
  10. Security related papers and MSc dissertation (English)


pijl.gif (836 bytes) Documents


  • Een oplossing voor het Belgische werkloosheidsprobleem

Computer Applications in Management (CAIM95)

  • NV Warmoes & Van Damme
    • Rapport - gecomprimeerd (PKzip), MS Word 6.0
    • Presentatie - gecomprimeerd (PKzip), MS Powerpoint 3

Cost Accounting

  • Make or Buy Decision and Cost Accounting

Cognitive Ergonomic Contributions to Human-Computer Interaction

Operationeel onderzoek


  • Het besturingssysteem Linux

Office Automation Systems

  • Organisatorische aspecten van introductie en gebruik van Groupware in bedrijven
    • FTP-archief
      Verder papers en presentaties over verschillende aspecten van kantoorautomatisering: workflow, EDI, EDMS (Electronic Document Management Systems), ...


  • Sociale verantwoordelijkheid als spanningsveld

(*) The documents can be viewed using the Ghostview graphical interface to Ghostscript, publicly available on the Net. The files have been compressed using PkZip Version 2.04g and can be unzipped using Winzip or gunzip. Back to the top of this page.
  (c) Filip Schepers, Oct 1997 - last updated 25/10/98